Elephant stuck in the ice

Task Description:

Slowly a foot moved then the trunk then the loud growl shook the cavern…

There was a little boy named Saleci Smyth 

After that he went to the elephant and he got his phone out of his pocket and he took a selfie of the mammoth. 

Then when he finished taking a photo he went close to the mammoth and he touched his foot.  It was frozen.


After that Saleci Smyth looked around at the place and he was thinking where he was.  So then he went around the place and he saw glaciers covering the sea, and then there was a big wave of it.


After he was looking around, he went back to the mammoth. Then he saw the mammoth’s mouth moving slowly so then he walked towards the mammoth closer and closer.


But when he saw the mammoth move he said “How did the mammoth get in there?”


After he was looking at the mammoth he said “bye!”


Finally Saleci Smyth went to his home and packed his stuff and went in the

airport to board on the aeroplane to New Zealand, his home.

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