Comicquest kick start

today I got my summer learning journey finished. it was about learning how to learn all about the and for your brain to be smart by the time you come to you will be so if you want to be smart take your chrome book home to learning done.

One thought on “Comicquest kick start

  1. Kia ora Jessie,
    Well done sharing the Comic Quest Kick Start activity. You had your characters trying so many fun activities at the beach. My favourite things to do at the beach are swimming and reading under the umbrella. Do you have a favourite beach activity?

    If the text in a speech bubble doesn’t fit you can select all the text and decrease the font size using the fount size tool. Another option is to pull the corners of the speech bubble to make it bigger to fit the text. Try this on your slide 3 and it will automatically update on your slide.

    An awesome effort for your first activity, keep it up!

    Kia pai tō rā
    Mrs Grant

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