Year: 2024


Hi my name is jessie what I have made for my parents is fried chips. what they felt about the chips it was good always but what I have put in the chips is salt tomato sauce and I even put in chicken stock. there you have it breakfast that i made for my parents is nice and tasty fried chips bye have an awesome day.

Velociraptor Dinosaur

Hi today I have done a cool and beautiful velociraptor dinosaur. the velociraptor dinosaur look like a big as t rex but another and better version of it it has big teeth nice eyes and big muscled legs and it even has a long and pointy tail and even has sharp as nails if you don’t but I think most people do but if you don’t know the velociraptor dinosaur is I think the fastest and the coolest dinosaur for my thinking and yeah this is all I have done I hope you have done another cool one two bye.

Museum of prokhorovskoe pole

Hi today I am going to talk about a tank from the russians. They have very good stuff there now I am going to talk about the tank what i can she is a big and cool tank lade down on the floor and there is even a nice picture on the side next to the big fat tank and it is another tank but it is in the war. And what I can also see is that the tank has a nice color to it and that it has all these random pottons in it and there is a big as shooting thing on the top of the tank and there is even a red mat for the people to walk on and so they can see or look at the tank very  good so they are not to far from the tank so yeah this is my blog for the first day for the holidays have a good day bye.

Statistics and graphs

Task Description:  Hi my name is jessie today I got my statistics and graphs work finished the statistics and graphs work was about a tally charts and strip graph for the tally chart you have to fill in the blank and for the strip graph you have to delete some of the spaces to count how many people you have asked.


Enquiry Cycle

Task Description:   Hi today I got my enquiry cycle finished. The enquiry cycle Is about asking your classmate what are they favorite things and you have to walk around and ask them what is your favorite sport and something else what this work is about is that when you ask them you have to write a tally chart.

Statistic & Graphs

Task Description:  Hi today i got my statistics finished it was a little too easy but I’m gonna tell you what it is about. the statistics work was about tally charts and pictograph and it says how much frequents are there and you have to say the answer that is what our work was about.


Task Description: Hi this week i got my connections work finished the connections work is about you telling about the other student camp compared to my camp. his camp was different to mine because he had other name for the camp and the name were all about kindness and our camp names were about birds.