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Matariki Fun Day.

Hi my name is Jessie you might even know me from Pt England School. Today on the 26th of June me and the whole team 4 did a Matariki Fun Day at Pt England School.

On monday me and my team had to pick to activities to pick the activities were Sports with Ms Tuia and she did capture the flag, Egg Challenge with Mr Hughes, Art with Ms Parrant, Minecraft with Ms Sio, and the last for not least food with Ms Tumahai these were all the activities that us students did with our teachers. We have celebrated Matariki because it is to acknowledge the loved ones and lift their spirits to become stars.

The first activities that I picked was sports but I didn’t get to do that but at least I still had a second pick and it was Minecraft with Ms Sio it was gonna be so fun but out Minecraft didn’t work so we went out to play a game called K.O then after that we went back inside to check but it didn’t work but instead we did Blooket that was fun and pretty challenging because we had to steal peoples gold but then I got Instinct Karma but I still had so much fun with Ms Sio.

My second activities that I picked was Sports my favourite and the teacher that was hosting it was Ms Tuia. For Sports me and the group did Capture the flag  and to be honest that was so fun because that was the first ever time playing at school but I did play capture the flag at other places and it was fun but when you play with your friends its good. The Challenging part about capture the flag is RUNNING that is tiring so so tiring and not just that you have to try and tag people and when they are fast bro I can’t even catch up to them but I the good part is that me and my group had fun and we all are winners.

Equivalent Fraction 2

Task Description:  Hi my name is Jessie you might know me from Pt England School. This week me and my class have been learning about Equivalent Fraction If you do not know what the equivalent fraction here let me tell you what it is here. Equivalent fraction, Equivalent fraction is a thing where you can do your fractions like this first lets do our fourths 100/ ? what is it Let’s solve it together what is half of 100 hmm 50 nice and now what is half of 50 25 nice so that gives us that the answer is 100/25 nice one guys should we do one more I think we should because you guys are good here this is the last one so what is 92/? wait I don’t know so then lets solve it together so what is half of 92 hmm 46 oh good now what is half of 46 what this is hard its alright I believe 23 nice one so that means it gives us 92/23. so here you have it this is my maths work for this week BYE BYE.


Task Description:  Hi my name is jessie you might know me from Pt England School. This week me and my class has been learning about our Multiplication. Division, and Fraction. we have been learning how to divide stuff together and share them equally but my strategy to work my division is figuring out my multiplication if you are wondering why am I doing multiplication when I’m trying to figure out my division its because multiplication and division is like the same if you think I’m lying here I will show you. so here 25 divided by 5 equals 5 you get it cause 5 times 5 equals 25 you get it now here lets do one more 35 divided by 5 equals 7 cause 5 times 7 equals 35. so here you have it this is my work for this week.

Research Task, Jackie Chan,

Task Description:   Hi my name is Jessie you might know me from Pt England school. Today I got my research presentation work finished. today I have learned about Jackie chan he is an amazing kung fu fighter but he is not just that he is an a cool actor and director he has been in many cool movies and famous ones like the karate kid, rush hour, and even hidden strike some cool movies that I liked, this is my work for this week. BYE BYE.




DIvision Task

Task Description:  Hi today I got my division task finished. Division can help you in many ways like array, groups, skip counting, and lucky last repeated addition, these are the ways that can help with your division if your stuck so yeah this is my work for this week BYE BYE.

Dwayne The rock Johnson

Task Description:  Hi today I have finished my Reading work. today my reading class has learnt about dwayne the rock Johnson the greatest wrestler and a famous actor. Dwayne Johnson has been in lots of movies like Jumanji and Rampage which are like the coolest movies I have seen. I have told you Dwayne Johnson is the greatest and a famous wrestler but do you know his WWE name The Rock if you don’t know why his name is called the rock but this is why. That is his name because he is undefeated and he is one of the strongest WWE players. Do you know what he did before he did wrestling he was a good football guy that was very cool of him. But do you know why he went to wrestling here its because he wanted to follow his dads steps and his dad went with it so when he went to wrestling he was the famous and greatest wrestler in the world. So here is my work for today have a Beautiful day BYE.

Division Strategies

Task Description:  Hi my today I got my Division task finished. This Division task was to help you get better at your division but its not division your to post to be learning its your times table because your division is going the other way around like this so 12 Divided By 6 is 2 because 6×2=12 you get so if you want strategies then check out my work have an awesome day BYE.