Category: Hanga | Create

Musk T3W8

Task Description:   Hi today I got my musk work finished and it was about shapes we had to make something out of shapes and then take a photo and find a shapes that looks like the shapes do you want to see my work here you go.

Identity and values

Task Description:   Hi today I got my identity and values work finished and it was about what is your language my one is samoa and cook island and even had to talk about your values that you do at home like my. My one is that I have to help my and my dad a cleaning the house and me and my sister have to respect them in the house.

Its a tap not kick

Task Description:   Hi today I completed  my prefect korero and prefect korero was It’s a tap not to kick this means you are not allowed to kick the ball under tekapua or on the car parks and if you will get in trouble from the owner so don’t. But the only time you can kick it is when you are not on the field or if you are with a coach.