Tag: 2024 inquiry

Matariki Fun Day.

Hi my name is Jessie you might even know me from Pt England School. Today on the 26th of June me and the whole team 4 did a Matariki Fun Day at Pt England School.

On monday me and my team had to pick to activities to pick the activities were Sports with Ms Tuia and she did capture the flag, Egg Challenge with Mr Hughes, Art with Ms Parrant, Minecraft with Ms Sio, and the last for not least food with Ms Tumahai these were all the activities that us students did with our teachers. We have celebrated Matariki because it is to acknowledge the loved ones and lift their spirits to become stars.

The first activities that I picked was sports but I didn’t get to do that but at least I still had a second pick and it was Minecraft with Ms Sio it was gonna be so fun but out Minecraft didn’t work so we went out to play a game called K.O then after that we went back inside to check but it didn’t work but instead we did Blooket that was fun and pretty challenging because we had to steal peoples gold but then I got Instinct Karma but I still had so much fun with Ms Sio.

My second activities that I picked was Sports my favourite and the teacher that was hosting it was Ms Tuia. For Sports me and the group did Capture the flag  and to be honest that was so fun because that was the first ever time playing at school but I did play capture the flag at other places and it was fun but when you play with your friends its good. The Challenging part about capture the flag is RUNNING that is tiring so so tiring and not just that you have to try and tag people and when they are fast bro I can’t even catch up to them but I the good part is that me and my group had fun and we all are winners.


Task Description:  Hi my name is jessie you might know me from PT England school. Today i am gonna be telling you what is emotion train so here you go.  You have to go outside with your class and you have to go by shortest to tallest and then you have to walk but you have to do you emotion well you are walking and that means that you have to use your body language it is easy to do you just have to go around the basketball court and u walk while doing it so there you have it this is my work for today have an afternoon.