Tag: Maths

Show me 4 ways

Task Description:   Hi my name is jessie I come from Pt England School today my teacher has been teaching us how to do multiplication by doing 4 ways one arrays 2 additional 3  in groups and last but not least skip counting those are the things that we have to do in our work. So this is my blog for today Have an awesome day.


Task Description:   Hi my name is jessie I come from Pt England School today I have learnt how to do my multiplication I have learnt how to do arrays skip counting addition and last but not least in groups those are the four things that we had to do and it was kind of hard because you had to draw your math question. So yeah that is it for my blog today Have an awesome day.

Statistics and graphs

Task Description:  Hi my name is jessie today I got my statistics and graphs work finished the statistics and graphs work was about a tally charts and strip graph for the tally chart you have to fill in the blank and for the strip graph you have to delete some of the spaces to count how many people you have asked.


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